Planning a wedding? Let me assure you, bride to bride, that at some point in the planning process you will be the bride in this picture.
Sorry ... that's not exactly the kind of "assurance" you were looking for, is it? It's simply hit me anew that as a Wedding Planner, I am always somewhat "immune" from the emotional part of the planning that my brides experience. However, as the bride myself right now, those emotions have hit me in the past few weeks like a freight train I didn't see coming.
There's no getting around it ... whether it be family members who question who did & didn't make your guest list; or someone questioning the details of your planning, or the location of your venues; or a disagreement with your fiance on a part of the wedding; or financial stresses; or .... you get what I'm saying ... the list is infinite in its possibilities.
Here's what you need to do ... take a deep breath, surround yourself with your best "cheerleaders", use your Wedding Planner as a buffer/mediator/counselor/temporary bff, go do something fun that has nothing to do with your wedding, and, most importantly, stop and remember why you're doing all of this ... you're head over heels in love with that man standing next to you, and soon you're going to pledge to live the rest of your lives together. How awesome is that??!!
It's all in perspective. Those people driving you crazy?... they really, honestly do love you. Those guests who never RSVP'ed?... it wasn't personal; chalk it up to the reality of living in a busy culture. The financial strains?... take a step back and see if there is a place to cut back. "Understated" does not have to equal "embarrassing" or "boring"... there are so many ways to get creative that cost little or no money.
And that, my friend, is what I will be showing you this week!